Dedicate a Tree at the Nature Center
Dedicate a Tree at the Nature Center
Dedicating a tree is a unique way to recognize an important person, honor the memory of a loved one, or celebrate a special occasion while supporting the mission of the Nature Center.
Your gift will be associated with a newly established tree on our 20-acre property. We have a range of native tree species and locations available. Nature Center staff will provide a list of available trees and assist you in determining the best tree for your tribute dedication.
Your generous Tribute Tree donation will benefit the Nature Center’s Annual Fund, which supports our ongoing operations, education programs, trail and grounds maintenance, allowing our trails to remain free and open to the public year round.
Tribute Tree donors and honorees will be recognized in our Annual Report, unless otherwise instructed by the donor. All Tribute Tree donations are 100% tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
Options Available

$750 – Tree Dedication with Online Tribute
A tree will be reserved for your honoree. At your request, we will include your name as the donor and recognize your honoree on our online Tribute Tree Honoree List and Map. You may direct loved ones to this webpage, which will include your tree’s exact location mapped for reference.

$3,000 – Tree Dedication with Plaque Placement
This option includes the above, plus an additional plaque placed at the site of the tree. The plaque inscription will include the tree species name and common name as well as your honoree’s name and/or a brief message.