Birds of Ohio
Birding Top Slider

Located on the cleveland-area loop of the lake erie birding trail, our diverse habitats offer excellent viewing opportunities.

Third Row Programs
birding programs cleveland
Guided Bird Walks

Ongoing | See calendar for details
The second walk of each month is fully accessible and includes an ASL interpreter

Join a guided walk through the Shaker Parklands looking and listening for birds. The first walk
of each month begins on our ADA-accessible boardwalk and moves to dirt trails throughout
the Parklands. The second walk of each month is fully accessible and includes an ASL interpreter.
For all hikes, meet in the Nature Center parking lot. Binoculars are available. Rain or shine.
Free. $5 suggested donation.

$5 suggested donation. Registration required.

bird banding cleveland
Fall Bird Banding

Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, August 19 through November 1

Meet Julie West at the table near the right side of the driveway to observe migratory birds as they are banded. Generally, the timing is around 30 minutes after sunrise and goes until 12PM. Weather permitting. Free. All ages and abilities welcome.

No registration required. Weather permitting. Free.

Birding programs in Cleveland
The Big Sit

Sunday, October 13 | All Day, Dawn to Dusk

The Big Sit, also known as the ultimate tailgate party for bird watchers, is a 24-hour period of birdwatching! Attending The Big Sit is free, and no registration is required. Pledges and donations are accepted to support bird banding research and bird-related projects here at the Nature Center. Pledges can be made in-person at the Nature Center, on Sunday at the Big Sit or by email to Julie West.

Donations encouraged. For information contact Julie West

Third Row Programs
Birding programs in Cleveland
Christmas Bird Count

Saturday, December 21 | Nature Center | 8AM

The Christmas Bird Count is a long-standing program of the National Audubon Society, with over 100 years of citizen science involvement. Come join us for a bird walk to locate and identify our resident winter birds. Count and tally the number of birds you can see or hear throughout the day.

Donations encouraged. Free.

birding programs cleveland
Kirtland Bird Club Speaker Events at the Nature Center

September 4 | October 9 | November 5

Creating Bird Habitat with A “Soft Landings” Shade Garden with Dave Tomashefski of Meadow City Native Plant Nursery
Mentor Marsh's Marvelous Birding with Becky Donaldson
Black Swamp Bird Observatory's Songbird Research - Data and More! with Ryan Jacobs, Bird Banding Director of Black Swamp Bird Observatory

Julie West banner

Julie West bands birds seasonally at the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes for research.