Spotted Laternfly Watch!
By Miranda Luse, AmeriCorps Staff Member 

According to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, the Spotted Laternfly (SLF) was first discovered in North America in southeastern Pennsylvania in 2014. Additional infestations, or individual SLF or egg masses, have since been documented in several other states. This invasive species is a threat to agriculture and forest health.

What to do if you spot SLF in your yard:

1. Start with physical controls before resorting to the chemical. NCSL does not use any chemical insecticides to control SLF in order to protect our native insects and pollinators. The first step is always going to be removing Tree of Heaven (an invasive plant from SLF’s native range and its preferred host) from your property if you have any.

2. Sticky bands or circle traps will work on the nymphs. In the event that a severe adult infestation occurs even after physical controls have been used, then we’d recommend getting a professional to inject any trees on your property where the adult SLF congregates in large numbers with systemic insecticide. This is a far more targeted approach that will dramatically reduce the number of native pollinators unintentionally harmed by insecticide exposure. Sticky traps should be used properly to protect wildlife. Only a narrow band is necessary, and guards can be made to make them even safer. Here is an example: How to Create A Wildlife Barrier for Spotted Laternfly Sticky Band Trap

3. As the adults die off, make sure to check those same trees and other areas around your property for SLF egg masses. They can be scraped off and destroyed which will reduce the population of SLF next year.
This information and graphic were provided by Miranda Luse, AmeriCorps Staff Member

